Heal In Antalya Bariatric Surgery (Obesity)
Professional Health TourismBariatric Surgery (Obesity)
The condition of having more than normal fat tissue in our body is called obesity. It causes many diseases such as obesity, psychological problems, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, vascular occlusion, cancer, joint disorders, varicose veins.
Bariatric Surgery, that is, Obesity Surgery, is a controlled surgical process that is not applied to every patient in cases where diet and exercises are insufficient. You can find out if you are obese by first calculating your body mass index with the "Body Mass Index Calculator" robot below.
Body Mass Index Calculator
50 kg
150 cm
Normal Weight
(No Obesity Treatment Required)
If your Body Mass Index is Obesity, let us give you information about bariatric surgery, that is, bariatric surgery, and help you regain your health and the weight you should be.
Diet is usually applied before bariatric surgery. The purpose of this diet is to reduce body fat and preserve muscle mass as much as possible. In this way, the risks that may occur in the surgery are minimized.
While a new period awaits the person after bariatric surgery, habits gained through diet and exercise should be made a routine of life in this period, and weight should be maintained by continuing to live a healthy life.