Ear, Nose, Throat

The ear, nose and throat science branch, which makes up 3 of our 5 sense organs, forms the basis of many ailments from covid to sleep problems, from balance problems to speech problems. As Heal In Antalya, we are at your side with our expert team in the diagnosis and treatment of your ear, nose and throat disorders.

Ear, nose and throat disorders, which develop in all people without an age limit and can show serious symptoms, can cause permanent problems that affect the whole body and reduce the person's living standards. While some of these conditions can be treated with medication, some require surgical intervention.

Main ear, nose, throat disorders are:
Acute and chronic inflammations, cholesteatoma surgery, fluid accumulations in the middle ear, calcification in the middle ear and inner ear connection (otosclerosis)
Inflammatory disorders of the inner ear such as Labyrinthitis, Vestibular Neuronitis Disorders where dizziness is at the forefront such as Meniere's Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
All diseases of the external auditory canal, ear tumors
Nasal bone curvatures, concha problems, polyps and intranasal cancers, Acute and chronic sinusitis treatments, Seasonal and Persistent Allergic Nasal Fever
Inflammatory, cystic and tumoral diseases of the mouth
Snoring causes and treatments
Inflammations and growths of the tonsils and adenoids
Inflammatory diseases of the vocal cord and its surroundings (Laryngitis), vocal cord nodules, laryngeal cancers
Speech disorders