
If pregnancy is still not achieved in the case of conception tried for at least 2 years by normal means, the time of ovulation of the woman in order to achieve pregnancy, menstrual cycle, thyroid disease that may prevent pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, stress, etc. It is necessary to apply to the supervision of a specialist in order to detect the ailments.

If pregnancy still cannot be achieved, alternative treatments can be applied. Heal In Antalya offers you the opportunity to be treated with the most experts in the field during your pregnancy stage.


In IVF treatment, eggs taken from the ovaries are fertilized by sperm in a laboratory environment. Fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus. These processes take at least 3 weeks. Depending on the situation, the process may take longer.

By looking at the health status of the woman, the egg produced by the body once a month is increased with the help of drugs and better results are obtained in the laboratory environment. The increased eggs are taken out with a small operation. Anesthetic is applied during the procedure. Sperm is also requested from the father on the same day that the egg is taken out. Sperm and eggs are brought together in a laboratory environment and fertilization is expected. If there is a problem in the quality or number of sperm, the sperm is injected into the egg by micro-injection.

When the fertilization process takes place, the embryos are transferred to the uterus of the woman at the appropriate time and amount according to the health status of the woman. In order for the embryos to attach to the female uterus, treatments that strengthen the uterine membrane are also applied. A pregnancy test is performed approximately 2 weeks after embryo transfer. Until the pregnancy test to be done, sexual intercourse should not be made, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, heavy work, sports, etc. activities should be avoided.